random acts of kindness



Recently in class we have been trying out some kindness ideas (R.A.K. for short).

We made letters for our buddies in primary one then we had to read the letter out to our buddies then they were going to take it home.

We made them books then we had to read the book out to our buddies.

We got an envelope then we had to write our name on it then we passed the envelope round the people. We were all writing nice thing about each other.

We made snowflakes for a teacher or a helper and we had to write a nice thing about them.  Then we had to stick it on their door or give it to them if they did not have a door. It said from your secret compliment. And we gave them a bit if card and it says you have just been tagged.




100 word challenge

You can get all kind of boxes you can get small boxes big boxes and lots of shapes and colours,  boxes can be hard to open or easy to open, boxes are fun to open boxes can have surprises in them like toys and stuff like that from toy shops you can get  bows on it and ribbon, the lid can be the thickest of the box, boxes  can  have patterns on it or just plain, they can be recyled  and reused like bottles  boxes can be wide and  thin   you get boxes at Christmas  with  your presents like toys .


i think bullying is mean and wrong .If someone comes up to you and said something that hurts your feeling and they said that your fat and ugly go and tell your mum and she will sort it out so please  stop bullying people.It is mean and not nice.It hurts people’s  feeling and they are sad and hurt people say all the i don’t like people bullying.People call them not nice names like fat and ugly and i hate you.you’re not nice and go away.people might not get to sleep at night bulling is bad.